Darts: Mount Alvernia Charity event a success
Last Friday's Charity event in aid of Mount Alvernia came to a close for the last time.
Photo (Top): A group photo of some of the participating players enjoying a good night of darts.
Due to the heavy schedule during the course of a playing year (tournaments, charity events, ranking events, international events, etc.), the committee at the 2006 AGM proposed that certain charity events are dropped to ensure a smoother running of the league. As it was approved by the members of the GDA it was decided that it would be played for a last time (the winner taking the shield home).
In light of this, the committee had another meeting to discuss what was the best way forward so that some support would still be given towards local charities and it was decided that most charity events would be amalgamated into 1 event the “GBC Open Day” and as such it would benefit both charities and the GDA alike by dampening the load on the schedule and increasing the chances of more money being raised for local charities.
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