Cycling/Triathlon: Gibraltar cyclists compete in H.S.A. Island Games Trials
On Sunday 12th November the Gibraltar Cycling Association held the first of many H.S.A. Time Trials for cyclists wanting to try and qualify for Rhodes in 2007. (Click here to enlarge image)
Since the establishment last year of a new committee and with the financial support of H.S.A. competitive cycling has continued to go from strength to strength and as the numbers of cyclists in this Time Trial show there is already a lot of competition for the 5 male places available on the team.
The route was the normal 40km Time Trial on the road to Jimena and a few of the competitors from the Triathlon Association also took part and completed a 10km run after the 40km cycle.
The weather on the day was very cold, with some strong headwinds along the
outbound sections and the three Commonwealth Games Cyclists (view 2006 results) who are still maintaining some very good form filled the leading places. Other notable performances came from Tim Garcia, Stephanie Mor and Gabriella Ramagge, which is very pleasing as the Association is very keen to develop younger cyclists for the future. There were unfortunately three non finishers due to punctures on the day and the three affected riders will be looking to establish themselves as possible team members at the next event.
1. Chris Walker 57m 47secs
2. Julian Bellido 58m 00secs
3. Sigurd Haveland 58m 48secs
4. Steffan Sanchez 62m 03secs
5. John Vinales 64m 16secs
6. Tim Garcia 71m 51secs
7. Christine Haveland 79m 03secs
Manuel Gonzalez, Paul Llambias and Blake Torres were all non finishers.
Stephanie Mor completed 30km in 60m 18secs and Gabriella Rammage completed 20km in 43m 10secs and Chris Walker, Tim Garcia and Christine Haveland all completed the 10km run with creditable times.
The next H.S.A. Cycling event on 4th December will see all the cyclists Time Trial 20km up Pena Blanca near Estepona.
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